1992年神戸生まれ。美術家・造形作家。粘土素材で幻獣や怪獣、神々など、超常的な存在を実体化し造形。並行して美術家としても活動し自身の持つ造形表現とテーマが孕む問題と立ち位置の表明をするために、メインカルチャーとサブカルチャーの垣根の中を彷徨い探究し、新たなジャンルの存在を目指し確立することで芸術の細分化を目論んでいる。 My reason for making art work. I essentially wish to express something that seemingly transcends the energy that a person possesses. Images that are amplified beyond the normal power, emerge in the wavering forms of animals, in particular, of carnivorous species. The manifesting images do not convey the entirety of the animals rather, but depict a fragment as if glimpsing into the fluctuation of pathos... I want retain energy that is not visible to the eye, into the context of reality. There are many things that I still desire to create. For myself the meaning of creating art, almost feels like drawing a spectacular story that is constantly cultivated amidst my own being. 1992 born in Kobe, Japan Fascinated from a young age towards observing creatures up close, had begun drawing creatures from his imagination on a daily basis. Through repetitive observations and personal experience, the world of representation had gradually come to expand and evolve into artistic practice.